Monday 29 September 2014

Integrate the 'Selfie' into your Marketing Campaign...

The selfie divides opinions: although it is regarded by some as a 'fad' which will pass, it has very real long term value for marketers who are increasingly integrating the selfie into their marketing campaigns - in some cases the main part of the pitch being the taking of a selfie. The pastime’s emergence as a mobile-marketing tool highlights the importance of user-generated content in maximizing the impact and involvement in marketing campaigns.

Friday 19 September 2014

How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back

You’ve worked hard in obtaining new customers and spreading the word about your small business. But once you’ve got these customers on board, it’s vital you keep them coming back. Normally, amazing customer service and continued engagement will bring them back for more. Here are 7 ways to keep customers coming back to your small business.

Monday 15 September 2014

How To Have A Successful Monday...

Monday mornings are the most critical part of the working week. They set your mindset for the week ahead, and by kicking off the week positively - you are more likely to feel positive about the rest of the week. There are many things you can do to ensure you go into work feeling refreshed and prepared mentally and physically on a Monday...

Thursday 4 September 2014

How to use your SMS Marketing Campaign to Increase Customer Value...

When creating text messages for customer engagement, it is essential to create messages that will appeal specifically to each single customer. This can be a difficult task: nearly every customer wants something different, yet the aim is to make them all feel special and valued. By tailoring text messages to individuals, businesses have a better shot at attracting new customers through word of mouth referrals while keeping existing clients satisfied.